Titiro whakamuri kōkiri whakama

1st January 2025

Look back (and reflect) so you can move forward

Congratulations to The Generator supporters and over 2,000 New Zealand Community Service Card holders who turned their dreams into reality. We’ve got your back!

Together, we have:

·      Supported over 97% of participants who found The Generator useful and respectful of their culture.

·      Funded $3.75 million in seed funding and mentorship.

·      Impacted micro-enterprises (51% Māori, 34% Pasifika), with over 80% reporting positive impacts and 70% achieving increased financial wellbeing.

·      Enabled sustainable income, with 93% still managing their enterprise and only 2% stopping in the first year.

·      Made substantial savings for the government

Thank you for your support, opportunities and resources:

MSD National Building Financial Capability Team

Foundation North

Mangere Arts Centre

Sustainable Business Network

Māori Womens’ Development Inc


Amazon Web Service

Mary Aue Coconut Wireless

Auckland City Council

Emerge Aotearoa (Ka Puta Ka Ora) IT and finance teams and staff around the motu

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ready to go?