Hayden Stewart
Tuakana Teina (East, West & Central Auckland)
Born & raised in Tamaki Makarau, I currently live in Tamaki Makaura.
Start date:
May 2023
Hayden's experience and expertise that has brought him to The Generator:
I have been a chef for over 20 years now, I'm passionate about all things food and love creating. One thing I've discovered over my career is I really enjoy serving others, and now starting my own business I realise I love passing on any knowledge I can to help others. Being a part of the Generator now allows me to do that on another level to help other aspiring entrepreneurs take there ideas and turn them into something more & create an income for their Whanau and serve their community!
Hobbie & fun facts about Hayden:
I enjoy weight training as a hobbie, and I used to compete in bodybuilding many moons ago.